
There was a 25000$USD diamond that was being kept in my room by the foot of my bed. It was surrouned by an electrified chain-link fence that required an access card to deactivate. I had a card attached to my wrist with a zip-tie. I woke up, and my card was gone. After a bit of looking around (I didn’t feel panicked) I found it under my bed.

I was then told by to go to this restaurant by somebody, so I did. When I got there, Andy Richter was behind a window babbeling and having spilt what looked like soy sauce all over the front of his shirt. Lots of it. He went into the back and I entered the building, they were cleaning up for the night. I said ‘hi’ to the manager, and read a sign on the wall that mentioned a contest. It said to bring your food in, and throw all of your onion rings onto the ceiling. Then pickles, and then the rest. I didn’t hesitate. I threw the bulk of my sandwich up all at once, and it all stayed on the ceiling. I asked the manager why they don’t coat the ceiling with plastic or something, and they pointed out that in the area you are supposed to throw your food at, it is.

I looked over at the main sandwich on the ceiling, and it was not in this area. I apologized as the manager cleaned it off. Even without the plastic it was removed without a problem.

Then the manager took Andys cheque over to my work, walking with me across the street. My assumption was that his accountant still worked there, and he made his manager bring it over for him. I never made it to my car (woke up) but it seemed like some sort of party was in the street as the two of us left the restaurant.

Wishful thinking perhaps?

I was in one of the art rooms at school while my old 2d-design professor was on the phone with her daughter. Tym was playing with his new laptop, and I was playing with the sleek little iBook that was my new laptop. They both teased me for not knowing how to do anything at all with the thing.

I also faded in and out of playing pack-rat in Halo online (probably this is because I was playing until 7a)

Michael Jackson, and LIPS. Roowwl

I was walking through many puzzle rooms, very influenced by Eternal Darkness. I ended up back at the Flaggie hostel, and asked if Mitch could do me an enormous favour. Get me two tickets to the Michael Jackson concert from L.I.P.S. (the apartment people next to the hostel) so my friend and I could go. He told me it wouldn’t be a problem at all, they had two tickets left and he’d be glad to get them for me. If there was more, I don’t remember it.

These dreams get annoying

Was at the movie theater with Tym. We saw Jo & Justin together at the other end of the theater. After the movie ended, Tym pointed out that they looked back at us. I commented that the stupid green hats they were wearing didn’t make a good cover, and called Justin a prick. He made fun of me, and I then grabbed the plexiglass covering from a Dunkin Donuts sign to hit him with.

We then were at what looked like Harding St. right by his old house. He was trying to walk up the road to get away from me, but there was something to do with oil going on. He and JoAnn called back at each other, she was nowhere in sight though. Hitting Justin with the plexiglass didn’t hurt him.

Then I was in a conversation with Jo, she told me she wanted to have a kid. I flipped out and told her she isn’t ready for that, and is way too young to have a baby.

Bang, zoom, too the movies!

I went to the movies with Tym and found that Evan was in the theater. He sat next to us and we talked and enjoyed the movie. Afterwards I went to Jo’s house where they were making dinner. She looked upset at me, and then told me I may want to hide. Right as she said that Justin said hello to me, and I chased after him and started punching him. It wasn’t hurting him though and he laughed it off.

I was kicked out of the house, and when I got home he was outside by his car. I continued beating on him and trying not to let his laughing get to me.