Game much?

Strange… I was playing a video game that felt like Eternal Darkness, looked like Zelda (I looked like young link, with dual boomerangs), and I had to put items from the level into the tornado, like in Black & White…. Not much else happened in it, other than tym telling me where items were

Backroom fun

I was helping my father clean out some of the back rooms of our house… I was amazed to have never seen these rooms before, other than the hallway which looked like a parking garage. I asked if we could get some mats for me to practice Capoeira and b-boying on, but because we were cleaning these areas out so they could be used I was told no.

There were then two dining room like areas that I had never known existed, we moved furniture around in there. It was well lit, not dusty… It looked used, even though we never had. There was what looked like spoiled milk in a gold pouring thing, mum said it was fine though

It’s fun to play brain-architect

I was asked by Jo to go to a movie with a bunch of people, including Justin. I went to what was apparently his house, nothing like his real one. I played with Evan out in the front for a bit, and then tried getting him inside. I was having trouble since it had been so long. Jo then came out and offered me some help, I then went to put a tupperwear plate into the sink. On the way I walked past Justin without acknowledging his presence, he had shaved his head and was wearing a visor. I forced a tiny ‘hi’ out for his mother, and then was very friendly with some friends of theirs who I had never met. I introduced myself to one or two of these people, one said he’d see me after he got back from a golf game as we all headed toward the van.


There was a 25000$USD diamond that was being kept in my room by the foot of my bed. It was surrouned by an electrified chain-link fence that required an access card to deactivate. I had a card attached to my wrist with a zip-tie. I woke up, and my card was gone. After a bit of looking around (I didn’t feel panicked) I found it under my bed.

I was then told by to go to this restaurant by somebody, so I did. When I got there, Andy Richter was behind a window babbeling and having spilt what looked like soy sauce all over the front of his shirt. Lots of it. He went into the back and I entered the building, they were cleaning up for the night. I said ‘hi’ to the manager, and read a sign on the wall that mentioned a contest. It said to bring your food in, and throw all of your onion rings onto the ceiling. Then pickles, and then the rest. I didn’t hesitate. I threw the bulk of my sandwich up all at once, and it all stayed on the ceiling. I asked the manager why they don’t coat the ceiling with plastic or something, and they pointed out that in the area you are supposed to throw your food at, it is.

I looked over at the main sandwich on the ceiling, and it was not in this area. I apologized as the manager cleaned it off. Even without the plastic it was removed without a problem.

Then the manager took Andys cheque over to my work, walking with me across the street. My assumption was that his accountant still worked there, and he made his manager bring it over for him. I never made it to my car (woke up) but it seemed like some sort of party was in the street as the two of us left the restaurant.

Wishful thinking perhaps?

I was in one of the art rooms at school while my old 2d-design professor was on the phone with her daughter. Tym was playing with his new laptop, and I was playing with the sleek little iBook that was my new laptop. They both teased me for not knowing how to do anything at all with the thing.

I also faded in and out of playing pack-rat in Halo online (probably this is because I was playing until 7a)