Giants vs Rockpeople!

The world was inhabited by humans, giants and rock people.  The giants had basically kept the rock people at bay and treated as slaves at best, and they were rarely actually seen.  Things were under martial law for a long time until we took some rock people into our home and helped build up a resistance that fought the giants for their equality, eventually overturrning them.  With the rock people in charge everyone felt safer and happier and everyone was treated aequally.  at some point the rock leader had to go  help someone elsewhere.  I keept an eye on a particualr giant that I thought was going to try and bring things back to the way they were.  Followed him on busses and separated him from his belongings when he wasn’t paying attention.  He tried rialing up other giants to fight and get back into power and smashing buildings to start riots.

Goodbye boat.

I was staying at some mansion on a cliff by the ocean, walking around outside over by where there’s a declining dirt road down to the ocean that people used as a boat ram.p  I saw a fairly good sized red boat 30 or 40 feet out.  It was mostly enclosed looking, with only a couple windows tosee out.  There were some large waves that crashed over the boat and against the cliff, and slowly pushed the boat deeper and deeper underwater.  I figured that since it was enclosed it couldn’t sink, but eventually I couldn’t see anymore of it and the waves subsided.  I stared at te area for a bit and saw nothing surface, and I ran back inside to find someone to call for help.  When we came back outside to show them the area and call  the coast guard there were alsready divers in the water going down and looking for the ship.  At some point they managed to section off a large area and completely drain it of water so that people co uld go in on foot and look for the ship.  There were lots of broken ships and bits of hull everywhere, but the one that just recently siskned was nowhere to be found.  I even walked into some cave area a bit to see if it suomehow got sucked into there and found nothing.

Don’t steal my friend’s art you jerk!

Some piece of art had been stolen from Adam’s and was being held for ransom.  We spent a bit of time working out a way to detecrmine who stole it and how we could get it back.  Eventually wecontacted the person and came to an agreement of playig some game and the winner gets te keep it.  I showed up hours early and hid on the neigshbor’s porch with som ebinoculars so I could see into the house and give Adam pointers so he’d win.  Right before e were about to start, Tym showed up on the deck and started talking to me and mentioning my presence.  I got upset that he blew my cover, and then went to Plan B, which consisted of jumping on the guy who stole the art and basically hanging onh im and trying to suffocate him while he bashed me around the house.  The guy’s sister was a young angelina jolie and he tried convincing her to set off the house’s alarm, which would kill the house’s power.  He threw up a bunch of trip liens as I jumped and brought him to the floor with my legs around his kneck, and told him he got to choose between giving the art back, or my breaking his neck and killing or paralyzing him.  Then Louie started barking in his sleep and woke me up.

Bears and bugs.

The other night I was in the car with Jori and felt something bump it, we looked around and thought we saw a deer, and then a giant bear stood up by my window and started bashing the door.  I tried driving away but it jumped on the hood and tried breaking through my cracked windshield.

Last night I was in my parent’s back yard and there was a huge search and recovery team combing the area.  Dozens of people vacuuming the woods and helicopters and stuff, all looking for a single bug that got loose.  Apparently it was super rare and worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.  One of the guys opened his vacuum up and found it, but it flew away as soon as he saw it- and went straight into my hand as I went to catch it.

God damn everything about this.

This morning I woke up from a brief night terror of finding Dirty inthe garbage at my parent’s house.  When I started screaming to find out what happened I saw Jenny with her entire face bruised nad saw the railing of the deck had collapsed.  Apparently the railing collapsed while she was taking Dirty out to play, fell, bruised the fuck out of her face and crushed Dirty as she was falling.